
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes at Home Naturally?

June 13, 2024

Those pesky mosquitoes! They buzz around at night, spoiling your sleep and leaving itchy bites. But worry not! Here at Oroion Pest Control, we believe in keeping your home safe naturally. So, before you grab the bug spray, let’s explore some desi ways to send those bloodsuckers packing!

Stop the Mosquitos Before They Start: Get Rid of Standing Water

  • Mosquitoes love breeding in still water. Here’s how to make your home a no-breeding zone:Empty and clean bird feeders, fountains, and any containers that hold water regularly.
  • Check under the sink, inside plant trays, and anywhere else water might collect.
  • Change pet bowls with fresh water daily.
  • Make sure there are no puddles around your house, especially after rain.

Seal Up the Cracks: Don’t Let Them In!

Even the most determined mosquito can’t fight a good seal:

  • Look for holes in doors and windows, and fix any tears in screens.
  • Think about adding brushes at the bottom of doors to block tiny gaps.
  • Keep tight lids on trash cans so other insects (mosquito snacks!) don’t make a home there.

Natural Repellents: Plants to the Rescue!

Nature has its own way of keeping these pests away. Here are some plants that mosquitoes hate:

Plant these beauties: Citronella, lemongrass, catnip, tulsi (holy basil), and even lavender can keep your home mosquito-free.
Essential Oil Power: Put a few drops of citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, or clove oil (mixed with water) in a diffuser. The smell will chase those mosquitoes away

Traps That Work: Vinegar and More!

Want to get rid of mosquitoes already in your home? Try these traps:

  • Vinegar Trick: Mix apple cider vinegar, a little soap, and a sprinkle of sugar in a bowl. The sweet smell attracts mosquitoes, and the soap traps them in the water.
  • DIY Trap: Make a trap with a plastic bottle, sugar, water, and yeast. The mixture creates a gas that mosquitoes like, and the bottle design keeps them stuck inside.


  • Do this regularly to keep the mosquitoes away for good.
  • Try a combination of these methods for the best results.
  • If there are too many mosquitoes, call a pest control service for help.

Oroion Pest Control: Your Partner in Natural Pest Control!

We offer eco-friendly solutions to keep your home pest-free. But for everyday battles, these natural methods are a great first line of defense. So, take a deep breath, grab these home remedies, and take back your home from those pesky mosquitoes!

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